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Women and Architecture. - “Architecture for, by and of women”

It was the eve of Women’s day, I was contemplating a topic for my college magazine . It didn’t take me long to put two and two together and come up with a subject that is very relevant and topical today. Gender equality (or lack of it) is all over the media as if it’s a flavor of the season. I wanted it get more personal – “Women and Architecture”.  I wanted to briefly explore what is it for a woman to be an Architect and how Architecture influences or is influenced by women. On the former, we need not go very far. The institute in which I study is governed and run by two women who have made a mark for themselves in this field. We also been witnessing more and more women opting for Architecture as a profession, even when they have other choices. The essence of successful architecture lies in how it integrates and balances the need, desire and aspirations of the user with the design principles. In this regard, the more women we have in this field , the better it is to bring out the
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